Welcome to my blog! This is where I corral some of my various thoughts and try to communicate them through writing. I’m the first to say I’m not the best at writing, but I guess I can learn!
And actually that will be a constant motif throughout this blog: I can learn. I love to learn and hope to learn new things all the time. I also like to learn about all sorts of things. On my about page, you see a list of various topics that I enjoy learning about. It’s quite the varied list.
I don’t plan on this really being a focused blog, but more of a “stream of consciousness” type of blog, where I essentially open a portal into my head and spill out a little of what I’ve been thinking about. Sometimes it may be a diatribe about a topic that I’m passionate about. Another time an intro into something that I’ve never seen before. In this way, it really is “my mind at play.”
(Side note: I came up with the name after reading “A mind at play” by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman. It’s a fascinating look at one of the most brilliant men of the 20th century, Claude Shannon…)